Magnified Healing® 1st Ph.D. Review, Advance Studies
In this important time of energy shift for humanity, we have the opportunity to create a new consciousness of oneness.
Magnified Healing® is constantly evolving; you, as a student, teacher, and practitioner, must update to gain knowledge.
What Magnified Healing® does for you:
What You will receive in the workshop:
- Full review of the 1st. phase
- Advance studies of the 1st phase
- Two articles with an explanation of the 5 higher bodies
- Sacred Geometry related to the 1st phase
- Certificate of attendance
- To have received the Magnified Healing ® 1st phase at least 3 months before the workshop
- Practice constantly for 11 days
- Email color copy of your 1st phase certificate with your registration
The workshop will be via Zoom; your computer needs to have an active camera so we can see your movements.
Classes may be offered in Spanish or Italian upon request.
Request your registration form.
The workshop is two days from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm on both days.
The price for both days is $190
Request your registration form.
What is Magnified Healing®
Magnified Healing® is an ancient modality
Magnified Healing establishes a constant flow of energy from the GOD Most High of the Universe to your heart down to the Diamond of the Center of the Earth.
The link spirals and brings a deep state of grace pulsing from the Source, laying the foundation for the Ascension process.
It is a very dynamic and evolving practice that heals the physical body, reactivating and connecting the nervous system; heals the calcium in and on the spine; and balances the chakras, consequently healing all the organs. spiritually activates the unconditional love of self and others and reactivates the 12 strands of DNA and RNA codes.
Prerequisites: knowledge and understanding of basic metaphysical terms such as karma, spiritual centers (chakras), Hierarchy, Threefold Flame, Violet Fire, Ascension.
Reiki or other healing modalities are not pre-requisites.
At this time of changes of earth’s vibration, we have the amazing opportunity to increase our awareness increasing our vibration to be transported smoothly into the new era of Divine Love and compassion.
With the practice of Magnified Healing® and the grace of Master Kuan Yin, the tools for the new era are available to us.